Find a Qualified Treatment Center (QTC)

ZYNTEGLO is only available at Qualified Treatment Centers. All centers listed below may discuss ZYNTEGLO, but only activated centers (show below in dark red) can administer or treat with ZYNTEGLO at this time.

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Activated Activation in progress*
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Learn more about ZYNTEGLO Qualified Treatment Centers (QTCs)

Each ZYNTEGLO QTC has been carefully selected based on their expertise in areas such as transplant, cell, and gene therapy, and is trained to administer ZYNTEGLO. Inclusion of a QTC in this locator tool does not represent an endorsement, referral, or recommendation from bluebird bio. It is the sole discretion of patients and their healthcare provider to determine which QTC may be the best fit for them. Please note that circumstances of coverage for ZYNTEGLO may vary based on your healthcare plan; my bluebird support may be able to help answer questions about coverage for ZYNTEGLO.​

No fees have or will be received by bluebird bio for participation in the QTC locator tool.

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